At Woodpecker Court we offer internally and externally assessed courses, offered by NCFE and Pearson BTEC.
Exams are set at the end of every term for students who are ready to be entered for English or Maths. Across the span of an academic year all students at all levels will be entered for the appropriate external assessments enabling them to achieve progress in their educational journey.
A student will be notified of their entry for an exam by The Exams Officer, and are provided with the date, time, location, and expectations. Students will receive their results as soon as they are made available to Woodpecker Court in writing. L1 and L2 BTEC external assessments have dates that are fixed by the exam board itself, and students are made aware of the details of this in same way as above.
If a previous student who has left us requires any information regarding qualifications achieved during their time with us, please contact Karen Davies on kdavies@woodpeckercourt.com
Woodpecker Court would like to wish all students who sit exams with us the very best of luck.