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NCFE Entry Level 1 Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics



Students will be taught three main topic areas including, using number systems, common measurements, shape and space and handling data. Students will be expected to recognise a simple mathematical problem and obtain a solution. A simple mathematical problem is one which requires working through one step or process.


At Entry Level 1, it is expected that students will be able to address individual problems, which draw upon knowledge and / or skills from one mathematical content area (number system; common measures, shape and space; information and data).




How will I learn?


Students will be taught in the classroom with some lessons taking place outdoors.


What will I learn?


Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers


E1.N1 Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 20

E1.N2 Use whole numbers to count up to 20 items including zero

E1.N3 Add numbers which total up to 20, and subtract numbers from numbers up to 20

E1.N4 Recognise and interpret the symbols +, – and = appropriately


Using common measures, shape and space


E1.M5 Recognise coins and notes and write them in numbers with the correct symbols (£ & p), where these involve numbers up to 20

E1.M6 Read 12 hour digital and analogue clocks in hours

E1.M7 Know the number of days in a week, and months and seasons in a year. Be able to name and sequence

E1.M8 Describe and make comparisons in words between measures of items including size, length, width, height, weight and capacity

E1.M9 Identify and recognise common 2-D and 3-D shapes including circle, cube, rectangle (including square) and triangle

E1.M10 Use every day positional vocabulary to describe position and direction including left, right, in front, behind, under and above


Handling information and data


E1.H11 Read numerical information from lists

E1.H12 Sort and classify objects using a single criterion 

E1.H13 Read and draw simple charts and diagrams including a tally chart, block diagram/graph


Method Of Assessments

Student will sit two assessment papers. Controlled assessments are administered under specified assessment conditions, and last for the following durations:

Section A – Non-calculator 20 minutes

Section B – Calculator 60 minutes


Next Steps

Students who pass Entry Level 1 Functional Skills can proceed to Entry Level 2 study.




NCFE Entry Level 2 Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics



Students will be taught three main topic areas including, using number systems, common measurements, shape and space and handling data. Students are expected to recognise a simple mathematical problem and obtain a solution. A simple problem is one which requires working through one step or process.


At Entry Level 2, it is expected that learners will be able to address individual problems each of which draw upon knowledge and/or skills from one mathematical content area (number and the number system; common measures, shape and space; information and data).




How will I learn?


Students will be taught in the classroom with some lessons taking place outdoors.


What will I learn?


Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers, fractions and decimals


E2.N1 Count reliably up to 100 items

E2.N2 Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 200

E2.N3 Recognise and sequence odd and even numbers up to 100

E2.N4 Recognise and interpret the symbols +, – , x, ÷ and = appropriately

E2.N5 Add and subtract 2-digit numbers

E2.N6 Multiply whole numbers in the range 0x0 to 12x12 (times tables)

E2.N7 Know the number of hours in a day and weeks in a year. Be able to name and sequence

E2.N8 Divide 2-digit whole numbers by single-digit whole numbers and express remainders

E2.N9 Approximate by rounding to the nearest 10, and use this rounded answer to check results

E2.N10 Recognise simple fractions (halves, quarters and tenths) of whole numbers and shapes

E2.N11 Read, write and use decimals to one decimal place


Using common measures, shape and space


E2.M12 Calculate money in pence up to one pound and in whole pounds of multiple items and write with the correct symbols (£ or p) 

E2.M13 Read and record time in common date formats, and read time displayed on analogue clocks in hours, half hours and quarter hours, and understand hours from a 24-hour digital clock

E2.M14 Use metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres

E2.M15 Use measures of weight including grams and kilograms

E2.M16 Use measures of capacity including millilitres and litres

E2.M17 Read and compare positive temperatures

E2.M18 Read and use simple scales to the nearest labelled division

E2.M19 Recognise and name 2-D and 3-D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, cylinders, cuboids, pyramids and spheres

E2.M20 Describe the properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes including numbers of sides, corners, edges, faces, angles and base

E2.M21 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position and direction including between, inside, outside, middle, below, on top, forwards and backwards


Handling information and data


E2.H22 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams and bar charts

E2.H23 Make numerical comparisons from bar charts

E2.H24 Sort and classify objects using 2 criteria

E2.H25 Take information from one format and represent the information in another format

including use of bar charts


Method Of Assessment

Student will sit two assessment papers. Controlled assessments are administered under specified assessment conditions, and last for the following durations:


Section A – Non-calculator 25 minutes

Section B – Calculator 75 minutes


Next Steps

Students who pass Entry Level 2 Functional Skills can proceed to Entry Level 3 study.




NCFE Entry Level 3 Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics




Students will be taught three main topic areas including, using number systems, common measurements, shape and space and handling data. Students are expected to recognise a simple mathematical problem and obtain a solution. A simple problem is one which requires working through one step or process.


At Entry Level 3 it is expected that learners will be able to address individual problems each of which draw upon knowledge and/or skills from one mathematical content area (number and the number system; common measures, shape and space; information and data).




How will I learn?


Students will be taught in the classroom with some lessons taking place outdoors.


What will I learn?


Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers, fractions and decimals


E3.N1 Count, read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000

E3.N2 Add and subtract using 3-digit whole numbers

E3.N3 Divide 3-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers and express remainders

E3.N4 Multiply 2-digit whole numbers by single and double digit whole numbers

E3.N5 Add and subtract 2-digit numbers. Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100 and use this rounded answer to check results

E3.N6 Recognise and continue linear sequences of numbers up to 100

E3.N7 Read, write and understand thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths including equivalent forms

E3.N8 Read, write and use decimals up to 2 decimal places

E3.N9 Recognise and continue sequences that involve decimals


Using common measures, shape and space


E3.M10 Calculate with money using decimal notation and express money correctly in writing in pounds and pence

E3.M11 Round amounts of money to the nearest £1 or 10p

E3.M12 Read, measure and record time using am and pm

E3.M13 Read time from analogue and 24-hour digital clocks in hours and minutes

E3.M14 Use and compare measures of length, capacity, weight and temperature using metric or imperial units to the nearest labelled or unlabelled division

E3.M15 Compare metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres

E3.M16 Compare measures of weight including grams and kilograms

E3.M17 Compare measures of capacity including millilitres and litres

E3.M18 Use a suitable instrument to measure mass and length

E3.M19 Sort 2-D and 3-D shapes using properties including lines of symmetry, length, right angles, angles including in rectangles and triangles

E3.M20 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position and direction including eight compass points and including full/half/quarter turns


Handling information and data


E3.H21 Extract information from lists, tables, diagrams and charts and create frequency tables

E3.H22 Interpret information, to make comparisons and record changes, from different formats including bar charts and simple line graphs

E3.H23 Organise and represent information in appropriate ways including tables, diagrams, simple line graphs and bar charts


Method Of Assessment

Student will sit two assessment papers. Controlled assessments are administered under specified assessment conditions, and last for the following durations:


Section A – Non-calculator 30 minutes

Section B – Calculator 75 minutes


Next Steps

Students who pass Entry Level 3 Functional Skills can proceed to Level 1 study.





NCFE Level 1 Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics





Students will be taught a range of topics including, using number systems – fractions, decimals and percentages, common measurements, shape and space as well as handling information and data.


At Level 1 students are expected to use their previous knowledge and skills to recognise and obtain a solution, or solutions, to a straightforward problem. A straightforward problem is one that requires students to either work through one step or process or to work through more than one connected step or process.




How will I learn?


Students will be taught in the classroom with some lessons taking place outdoors.


What will I learn?


Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages


L1.N1 Read, write, order and compare large numbers (up to one million)

L1.N2 Recognise and use positive and negative numbers

L1.N3 Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100, 1000

L1.N4 Use multiplication facts and make connections with division facts

L1.N5 Use simple formulae expressed in words for one or 2-step operations

L1.N6 Calculate the squares of one-digit and 2-digit numbers

L1.N7 Follow the order of precedence of operators

L1.N8 Read, write, order and compare common fractions and mixed numbers

L1.N9 Find fractions of whole number quantities or measurements

L1.N10 Read, write, order and compare decimals up to 3 decimal places

L1.N11 Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals up to 2 decimal places

L1.N12 Approximate by rounding to a whole number or to one or 2 decimal places

L1.N13 Read, write, order and compare percentages in whole numbers

L1.N14 Calculate percentages of quantities, including simple percentage increases and decreases by 5% and multiples thereof

L1.N15 Estimate answers to calculations using fractions and decimals

L1.N16 Recognise and calculate equivalences between common fractions, percentages and decimals

L1.N17 Work with simple ratio and direct proportions


Using common measures, shape and space


L1.M18 Calculate simple interest in multiples of 5% on amounts of money

L1.M19 Calculate discounts in multiples of 5% on amounts of money

L1.M20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system

L1.M21 Recognise and make use of simple scales on maps and drawings

L1.M22 Calculate the area and perimeter of simple shapes including those that are made up of a combination of rectangles

L1.M23 Calculate the volumes of cubes and cuboids

L1.M24 Draw 2-D shapes and demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry and knowledge of the relative size of angles

L1.M25 Interpret plans, elevations and nets of simple 3-D shapes

L1.M26 Use angles when describing position and direction, and measure angles in degrees


Handling information and data


L1.H27 Represent discrete data in tables, diagrams and charts including pie charts, bar charts and line graphs

L1.H28 Group discrete data and represent grouped data graphically

L1.H29 Find the mean and range of a set of quantities

L1.H30 Understand probability on a scale from 0 (impossible) to 1 (certain) and

use probabilities to compare the likelihood of events

L1.H31 Use equally likely outcomes to find the probabilities of simple events and

express them as fractions


Method Of Assessment 

Student will sit two external online assessments in which both must be completed in one continuous sitting. Controlled assessments are administered under specified assessment conditions, and last for the following durations:


Section A – Non-calculator 30 minutes

Section B – Calculator 90 minutes

Total time – 120 minutes


Next Steps

Students who pass Level 1 Functional Skills can proceed to Level 2 study.




NCFE Level 2 Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics




Students will be taught a range of topics including, using number systems – fractions, decimals and percentages, common measurements, shape and space as well as handling information and data.


At Level 2 students are expected to use their previous knowledge and skills to recognise and obtain a solution, or solutions, to a complex problem. A complex problem is one which requires a multistep process, typically requiring planning and working through at least 2 connected steps or processes.




How will I learn?


Students will be taught in the classroom with some lessons taking place outdoors.


What will I learn?


Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages


L2.N1 Read, write, order and compare positive and negative numbers of any size

L2.N2 Carry out calculations with numbers up to one million, including strategies, to check answers including estimation and approximation

L2.N3 Evaluate expressions and make substitutions in given formulae in words and symbols

L2.N4 Identify and know the equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages

L2.N5 Work out percentages of amounts and express one amount as a percentage of another

L2.N6 Calculate percentage change (any size increase and decrease), and

original value after percentage change

L2.N7 Order, add, subtract and compare amounts or quantities using proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers

L2.N8 Express one number as a fraction of another

L2.N9 Order, approximate and compare decimals

L2.N10 Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals up to 3 decimal places

L2.N11 Understand and calculate using ratios, direct proportion and inverse proportion

L2.N12 Follow the order of precedence of operators, including indices


Using common measures, shape and space


L2.M13 Calculate amounts of money, compound interest, percentage increases, decreases and discounts, including tax and simple budgeting

L2.M14 Convert between metric and imperial units of length, weight and capacity using a) a conversion factor and b) a conversion graph

L2.M15 Calculate using compound measures including speed, density and rates of pay

L2.M16 Calculate perimeters and areas of 2-D shapes including triangles and circles and composite shapes including non-rectangular shapes (formulae given except for triangles and circles)

L2.M17 Use formulae to find volumes and surface areas of 3-D shapes including cylinders (formulae to be given for 3-D shapes other than cylinders)

L2.M18 Calculate actual dimensions from scale drawings and create a scale diagram given actual measurements

L2.M19 Use coordinates in 2-D, positive and negative, to specify the positions of points

L2.M20 Understand and use common 2-D representations of 3-D objects

L2.M21 Draw 3-D shapes to include plans and elevations

L2.M22 Calculate values of angles and/or coordinates with 2-D and 3-D shapes


Handling information and data


L2.H23 Calculate the median and mode of a set of quantities

L2.H24 Estimate the mean of a grouped frequency distribution from discrete data

L2.H25 Use the mean, median, mode and range to compare 2 sets of data

L2.H26 Work out the probability of combined events including the use of diagrams and tables, including 2-way tables

L2.H27 Express probabilities as fractions, decimals and percentages

L2.H28 Draw and interpret scatter diagrams and recognise positive and negative correlation


Method Of Assessment

Student will sit two external online assessments in which both must be completed in one continuous sitting. Controlled assessments are administered under specified assessment conditions, and last for the following durations:


Section A – Non-calculator 30 minutes

Section B – Calculator 90 minutes

Total time – 120 minutes


Next Steps

This course provides students with experience and understanding to enable them to use these within further education, an apprenticeship or employment.



AQA GCSE Mathematics




 Maths is for everyone. It is diverse, engaging and essential in equipping students with the right skills to reach their future destination, whatever that may be. AQA design qualifications and support to enable students to engage with, explore, enjoy and succeed in maths.




How will I learn?


Students will be taught in the classroom with some lessons taking place outdoors.


What will I learn?




3.1 Number

3.1.1 Structure and calculation

3.1.2 Fractions, decimals and percentages

3.1.3 Measures and accuracy


3.2 Algebra

3.2.1 Notation, vocabulary and manipulation

3.2.2 Graphs

3.2.3 Solving equations and inequalities

3.2.4 Sequences


3.3 Ratio, proportion and rates of change

3.4 Geometry and measures

3.4.1 Properties and constructions

3.4.2 Mensuration and calculation

3.4.3 Vectors

3.5 Probability

3.6 Statistics


Assessment Objectives

AO1:    Use and apply standard techniques

Students should be able to:

  • accurately recall facts, terminology and definitions

  • use and interpret notation correctly accurately carry out routine procedures or set tasks requiring multi-step solutions. 


AO2: Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically.

  • Students should be able to:

  • make deductions, inferences and draw conclusions from mathematical information 

  • construct chains of reasoning to achieve a given result 

  • interpret and communicate information accurately 

  • present arguments and proofs

  • assess the validity of an argument and critically evaluate a given way of presenting information. 


AO3: Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts

Students should be able to:

  • translate problems in mathematical or non-mathematical contexts into a process or a series of mathematical processes 

  • make and use connections between different parts of mathematics 

  • interpret results in the context of the given problem

  • evaluate methods used and results obtained 

  • evaluate solutions to identify how they may have been affected by assumptions made.


Methods Of Assessment


GCSE Mathematics has a Foundation tier (grades 1 – 5) and a Higher tier (grades 4 – 9). Students must take three question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.


The information in the table below is the same for both Foundation and Higher tiers.

The Subject content section shows the content that is assessed in each tier.


Paper 1: Non-calculator, 1hr 30mins, 80 marks

Paper 2: Calculator, 1hr 30mins, 80 marks

Paper 3: Calculator, 1hr, 30mins, 80 marks



Next Steps

This course provides students with experience and understanding to enable them to use these within further education, an apprenticeship or employment.



Contact us

Talk to one of our team members 


Address: Woodpecker Court, 45 Wigmore Lane, Eythorne CT15 4BF


Phone Number: 01304 830958


Email Address:


Office Hours: 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday term time only.


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