Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Woodpecker Court provides a range of opportunities which encompass the vocational sector, naturally linking education and industry. Our aim is to deliver a strong (internal) range of work experiences for all Year 1 students, which reflect the industries and opportunities within our local area. These explore mature and developing sectors in the region, as well as raise awareness of opportunities in the current labour market, preparing students for these career experiences. This is provided during Term 6 (explicitly) and worked towards throughout the year during weekly Passport sessions and PSHE. External work experience is available for year 2 students through our partnerships with local businesses. L2 and L3 Animal care students receive specialised work experience placements which must be undertaken to achieve units towards their overall course mark. These students access external work placement in a carefully structured environment; the institution/business will be Health and Safety checked.
Our Employer Engagement lead with support from the CEIAG lead, also deliver a program of events and opportunities including careers interviews, mock interviews, apprenticeship talks, employability skills and meaningful employer encounters. Regular email communication is sent to all families which advertise volunteering, FE open evenings and employment opportunities. Kent Supported Employment are invited in to explain the support which they can offer to students and families. This program is driven by weekly small group mentor meetings and individual student “Passports” which are maintained across the year to chart student progress towards achieving future destination goals.
What is the expected impact of our CEIAG curriculum?
Students will have a successful transition to their next destination, be this a training provider, FE college, internship, traineeship, apprenticeship, or work.
Students will have had experience of a wide range of opportunities, job sectors, interests, and options so they are best placed to make informed decisions about their future choices.
Students will be able to reflect on what “Good” work looks like.
Students will develop the skills needed for them to be employable, whether that is voluntarily or paid.
Students will know the value of having work and commitments in their lives.
Students will know that they have a valued and important part to play in the world in which they live, and they can and are motivated to contribute to society in a way which best suits their interests and skills.
Students will have been given opportunities to develop their personal cultural capital and reflect upon their own personal growth.
Students will know about and make use of the range of support and advice that is available to them in order to support their choices and decision making as they progress on from Woodpecker Court
For information can be found within our CEIAG policy or for careers guidance and advice please contact our CEIAG Coordinator Matt Anderson - manderson@woodpeckercourt.com​